Monday, January 28, 2008

President Gordon B. Hinckley 1910-2008

President Hinckley passed away yesterday evening. I'll miss him, but I'm glad he'll be reunited with his wife. What an incredible life!

I'll miss his sincerity and candor. His words always made me feel a desire to do more and to be better. Listening to him in many Priesthood sessions, I always got the sense that he keenly understood the consequences of sin, and had faith in the ability of each of us to repent, to arise and be men of God.

He showed that you can be humble, meek and righteous, and yet speak with candor, humor and divine authority.

When I go, I hope I go like Pres. Hinckley, quickly and in relatively good health, and I hope to be half the man, half the servant of Christ that he was.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Amen! It's amazing how a man can be so wonderful in this life. I feel so blessed to have been alive in the same period of time as he was.