Friday, February 29, 2008

Keeping Up With the Joneses

You know the stories you hear of neighborhood rivalries? The Smiths buy an Explorer, and the Joneses counter with an Escalade, etc?

It's not just greedy, rich, white Republicans playing anymore. From California . . . (where else?). . . (and no, I did not make up the name of the city) . . . (and all parenthetical snide remarks are my additions, not from the article).

SUNNYVALE, California (AP) -- In an environmental dispute seemingly scripted for eco-friendly California, a man asked prosecutors to file charges against his neighbors because their towering redwoods blocked sunlight to his backyard solar panels. . . After more than six years of legal wrangling, a judge recently ordered Richard Treanor and his wife, Carolyn Bissett, to cut down two of their eight redwoods, citing an obscure state law that protects a homeowner's right to sunlight.

As for who cares more about the environment, must be the solar guy, right?

Vargas (solar guy) says the law protects his $70,000 investment in solar power, and he believes it should be strengthened."I think it's unfair that a neighbor can take away this source of energy from another neighbor," he said.

Well he's obviously seen the light. . . er . . . been enlightened . . . has a sunny outlook on . . . stupid puns . . . LOVES the environment. But wait, the Redwood couple counters with . . .

. . . Treanor and Bissett (Redwood couple), who drive a hybrid Toyota Prius, argue that trees absorb carbon dioxide, cool the surrounding air and provide a habitat for wildlife. (in the middle of San Fran/Oakland/San Jose's 3 million people)

A Prius, countering global warming, and wildlife habitat, all in one sentence! It's the Trifecta of Green-ness! Take that Vargas, you tree-hating, gas-guzzling corporate sell-out !!! But, hang on, what's this?

Vargas, who recently bought a plug-in electric car, counters it would take two or three acres of trees to reduce carbon dioxide emissions as much as the solar panels that cover his roof and backyard trellis.

No mere hybrid for him! His new car plugs in. You can take your majestic Redwoods and 2 more acres full, chop 'em down and burn 'em . . . compost 'em! (or just transplant them 'where the sun don't shine'). Zero-emission, solar-powered self-righteousness FOR THE WIN!

This sounds like the new Rock, Paper, Scissors. It used to be that paper covered rock, rock crushed scissors, and scissors cut paper.

Now, Redwoods cover solar power, solar power crushes redwoods, and windmills cut birds

(I know, it doesn't make sense, so sue me! I had to get the bird link in somehow)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Saying Anything to Win

Ahh, Hillary, careful what you say!

"We also have to reward work more," Clinton told a small group of Ohio residents today. "and by that, I mean, I have people in New York working on Wall Street as investment managers, as hedge fund executives. Under the tax code, they can pay a lower percentage of their income in taxes on $50 million dollars, than a teacher, or a nurse, or a truck driver in Parma pays on $50,000. That's very discouraging to people."


The former first lady's daughter, Chelsea Clinton, works for New York-based hedge fund Avenue Capital Group. She previously worked in New York for McKinsey & Company, her first job after graduating with her master's degree from Oxford University.

Hillary Clinton is either ignorant about what her own daughter does, or so desperate to win at this point that she'll say anything. Can you imagine the firestorm that a Republican would have incurred for having a child with a position different than theirs?

(just google: dick cheney daughter hypocrite -- and read a few of the 102,000 results).

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Fidel Castro is "Retiring"

I apologize in advance for all the "irony quotes." Also for the length of this post. Few things set me off like communism.

Fidel Castro is "retiring" as head of the Cuban government. He won't accept another term even if Cuba's admiring "legislature" votes for him in the upcoming "elections."

Here's a contrast for you - my thoughts versus those of the BBC.

Me: Good riddance, too bad he's not dead. Not like Communist dictators ever "retire." Is he going to move to The Villages ("Florida's friendliest hometown!") and golf free for the rest of his life? What new leader isn't going to ask Castro's permission before taking any action? But at least we're one small step closer to the end of an inhumane, brutal, murderous regime.

The BBC:
Since I can't read this all the way through without puking, I'm going to intersperse my commentary with the quotes. Click the link if you want to enjoy the non-sarcastic original in all it's brown-nosing glory.

The retiring leader will be remembered as one of the most distinctive and enduring icons from the second half of the 20th Century, the BBC's Paul Keller writes.

With his olive green fatigues, beard and Cuban cigars, Fidel Castro was the original Cold Warrior.

A distinctive and enduring icon? The original Cold Warrior? -- What is he a fashion model? A comedian? A jazz musician? this makes him sound like a trendsetter, a chic trailblazer whose presence in society will be greatly missed. (although, judging by all the Che t-shirts I see . . .)

Under his leadership Cuba established the first Marxist-Leninist state in the Western hemisphere, almost within sight of the US coastline.

Embracing communism and the patronage of the Soviet Union, Fidel Castro transformed Cuba economically and socially but had to struggle when it collapsed.

I'll say he transformed it. The same way the Nazi blitz "transformed" Europe, or the atom bomb "transformed" Hiroshima. Too bad about that whole collapsing USSR thing. But he struggled along anyway - what a trooper!

This is utter crap. Aside from the illogic, (if he transformed Cuba, why did the USSR's demise matter?) to portray someone who would rather keep a whole nation enslaved while stubbornly resisting any possible change to benefit them as engaged in a "struggle" is perverse.

The civil rights movement was a "struggle." World War II was a "struggle." Castro's "struggle" was nothing more than a blind, pig-headed thirst for power. Even after all the other Communists gave up on communism, Castro "struggled" on. That's not a visionary leader, that's just being blind to reality.

He leaves his country with universal free healthcare and a much-admired education system, which has produced doctors for the developing world, but also a failing economy.

Healthcare . . . check. Education . . . check. Economy . . . Oh well, two out of three ain't bad. Even granting that this is true, (it's not), what good is free healthcare and an education if you have no money, no job, no prospects, decaying infrastructure, no civil rights and insufficient food? As much good as a can opener with no cans, or a life raft in the middle of the desert.

Note the distinct lack of negative adjectives and verbs in the above quote. He is "distinctive" and "enduring", "original", he "transformed", "struggle[d]", "embrac[ed] communism." Cuba's healthcare is "free" and "universal", its education system "much-admired."

Let me add a few adjective and verbs of my own for the sake of balance. His victims are "dead" his opponents "tortured" and "imprisoned" or "shot." His people are "under surveillance" and "oppressed." Many are "refugees" (2.4 million in the U.S. alone - about 18% of the population) or "poor."

So yes, Happy retirement Fidel, may it be short, and then may you rot in hell alongside Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and the BBC reporter responsible for this fawning, nauseating tribute.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

HillaryCare - A punishment by any other name. . .

Tucker Carlson was interviewing a top Clinton campaign figure, Kiki McLean (no, really, that's her name) on MSNBC the other day about Clinton's plan to ensure that everyone has health insurance.

Carlson was trying to get McLean to specify what would happen to those who refuse to buy into the plan.He eventually got his answer. In a classic Orwellian euphemism, such people would have to endure "an outcome." (Thanks to Newsbusters for the transcript)

CARLSON: She's soft-selling the stick. She's selling the carrot; she's not talking about the stick, the punishment for not going along with her vision of the Brave New World.

MCLEAN: The reality is, that we're going to have to bring everybody into the plan, and there's going to have to be --

CARLSON: Punishment.

MCLEAN: Outcomes. There's going to have to be an outcome for people who don't participate because it all affects us. Remember, we are a community that lives here.

CARLSON [bursting into laughter]: I love that: an "outcome"!

MCLEAN: There has to be an outcome.

CARLSON: Is that what you call it when you spank a child: this is the "outcome"?

MCLEAN: I don't spank my children.

So I guess there are substantive differences among the democrats on the issue of healthcare. A vote for Obama is a vote for "mandated universal coverage", and a vote for Clinton is a vote for "mandated universal coverage or suffer the outcome!"

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Captain Obvious

I hate to rag on my Alma Mater, but the findings in this article should be glaringly obvious.
A new study out of Brigham Young University suggests that first-born children get thousands of hours more attention from their parents.

This latest study follows recent national reports that first-born children make more money, have more education and score higher on IQ tests.

Anyone with more than one child would likely not need a study to confirm the parental time differential. Part of it is, as the article says, parental laziness, but part of it may be just efficiency. After the first child, the parents have the routine down, and it takes less time to do everything. Some of it may also be down to the younger children spending time with siblings instead of Mom and Dad. I know Isaac will often follow his older brothers around rather than play with me. They're just more fun I guess.

On a related note, since Becky and I are both first children . . . na-nee na-nee boo boo (as the twins say) we always knew we were the favorites! ;)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

One Reaon Reason Our Schools are Failing . . .

(Nice title, you'd think I was the illiterate one - thanks Matt)

This story is amazing to me:

John Corcoran graduated from college and taught high school for 17 years without being able to read, write or spell. . . In 1961, Corcoran graduated with a bachelor's degree in education, while still illiterate he contends. He then went on to become a teacher during a teacher shortage. . . For 17 years Corcoran taught high school for the Oceanside School District. Relying on teacher's assistants for help and oral lesson plans, he said he did a great job at teaching his students.

That explains some of the teachers I know.

Friday, February 08, 2008

America's Most Dangerous Chuck-E-Cheese

We all know that Flint, Michigan is one of the most dangerous cities in America. (number 3 on the list . . . The infamous Compton, CA is number 4). Even here, though, one would think that Chuck-E-Cheese, that icon of Americana, would be safe. A haven from the storms of life where happy children play as smiling parents watch approvingly.

If one thought this, however, one would be very, very wrong.

The first call came in at 8:53 p.m. concerning a fight among three teenage girls at the pizza parlor. A Genesee County Sheriff's paramedic and state troopers quickly got the fight under control, and canceled other officers headed that way to back them up. . .But a few minutes later, the officers sent out a second call as the fight erupted again, and quickly turned into "a knock-down, drag-out between 75 and 80 people," said Flint Township police Sgt. Tim Jones. . . Police from around the county poured into the restaurant shortly after 9 p.m. trying to control the crowd. . .Officers from Burton, Swartz Creek and the townships of Mundy, Clayton and Flint assisted county and state police officers. . .Pepper spray used to control the crowd may have added to the uproar.

Apparently, this isn't the first time there has been trouble in paradise:

A corporate spokesperson said late Monday: "We do everything in our power to make it a safe place for kids. These were both isolated incidents."

But Flint Township police say they were called 30 separate times to Chuck E. Cheese last year. The cases range from assault to disorderly conduct to even one case of criminal sexual conduct.

So far, police have responded five times already this year. (as of January 28.)

One such incident is tragic and sad, but 35? Once every ten days things at the Chuck-E-Cheese require police intervention?!?! I don't know what to say about that, other than "I'll take that TO GO please."

So, if you're ever in Flint watch out for. . .umm. . . on second though, just turn around and go home.

"Transgender" Second Grader . . .

This story is just weird.
HIGHLANDS RANCH, CO – The issue of being transgender usually pops up with students in high school. However, a 2nd grade biological boy wants to dress as a girl and be addressed with a girl's name. . . teachers are planning to address the student by name instead of using he or she. The child will not use the regular boys or girls bathroom. Instead, two unisex bathrooms in the building will be made available. . . The student had attended this same school in years prior, but had left to go to classes in another district for about two years. The transgender student will be returning to what is the child's home school. Dave M. thinks classmates will recognize the change.

Of course they will recognize the change!!! I don't mean to offend anyone, but does a second grader really understand anything about what it means in the long-run to be male or female? Is elementary school the right place to "come out?" Does the child understand that to truly pursue this, he will need multiple major surgeries, hormone treatments, and will never be able to have children? If a person is going to make a choice of that magnitude, shouldn't they be old enough to tie their shoes first? The therapist says:
The most important thing is to make sure the transgender student does not become the target of bullying or verbal abuse which can lead to suicide. "These children are at high-risk," said Pearson. "Our number one goal is to keep kids safe."

So the way to make sure the child isn't ridiculed is to
  1. Have him go ahead and cross-dress,
  2. Call him by a different name than the children knew him by before,
  3. Have him use a special bathroom,
  4. Pass out an explanation to every parent in the school, and
  5. Never refer to him using pronouns?
That won't make him seem any different! Just one of the gang! Excuse the sarcasm, but they might as well put a "kick me" sign on his back and have him stand on a desk in front of the classroom all day.

I'm not trying to say that this child isn't deeply confused, all I'm saying is that this remedy is going to make things worse. This is just labeling him. Children HATE being labeled, but they will latch on to the labels given by others immediately. The school wouldn't divide the class into beanpoles, husky kids, midgets and cripples would they? How about preppies, stoners, nerds and jocks? kids might, but the school shouldn't. By doing this, the school is separating him from his classmates, and singling him out for attention.

Wouldn't it be easier on everyone to have the child wear male clothes while at school, and try to teach him that his worth as a person isn't determined by the clothes he wears? That would keep the discussion, advice and counsel to the people who are supposed to care about him and not drag the entire community into a personal, private issue. Parents need to ensure that their children make choices at the appropriate time, and with full knowledge and understanding of the consequences, not let them do whatever they feel like, and insist that the entire community adapt.

As a side issue, I thought the latest thinking was that gender is all a matter of environment? Aren't men and women all the same? Why are "transgender" people the only ones who can insist that gender is fixed at birth without being called bigots? Am I the only one who sees this as inconsistent? I must need to attend more propaganda sessions sensitivity training.