Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Captain Obvious

I hate to rag on my Alma Mater, but the findings in this article should be glaringly obvious.
A new study out of Brigham Young University suggests that first-born children get thousands of hours more attention from their parents.

This latest study follows recent national reports that first-born children make more money, have more education and score higher on IQ tests.

Anyone with more than one child would likely not need a study to confirm the parental time differential. Part of it is, as the article says, parental laziness, but part of it may be just efficiency. After the first child, the parents have the routine down, and it takes less time to do everything. Some of it may also be down to the younger children spending time with siblings instead of Mom and Dad. I know Isaac will often follow his older brothers around rather than play with me. They're just more fun I guess.

On a related note, since Becky and I are both first children . . . na-nee na-nee boo boo (as the twins say) we always knew we were the favorites! ;)


Matt said...

Some of us always knew the first child gets all the breaks... I can't get sued for saying this can I?...

Becky said...

Sometimes I think it's the younger one's that do better. It's kind of like the one's who are stronger because they have to climb up hill all their lives, trying to reach the older ones. But, I guess it depends on what "syndrome" that younger child is diagnosed with. Does it have an inferiority complex or an "I do it better complex" Tell me about your mother...