Wednesday, April 28, 2010

U, U, D, D, L, R, L, R, BSA, Select, Start...

For those of you who aren't males who were teenagers in the 80's, the title of this post is taken from the sequence of buttons you press at the beginning of the game "Contra" on the original Nintendo to get unlimited lives. (the only way anyone I knew could ever beat the game).

I've added the BSA to it, because the Boy Scouts and cub scouts have added a video game award that scouts can earn.

The cub scout award actually looks like it might be helpful:

1. Explain why it is important to have a rating system for video games. Check your video games to be sure they are right for your age.
2. With an adult, create a schedule for you to do things that includes your chores, homework, and video gaming. Do your best to follow this schedule.
3. Learn to play a new video game that is approved by your parent, guardian, or teacher

We've been thinking about creating just such a schedule for Reed and Douglas to limit their time on "Club Penguin"

The higher award though is much less useful the scout must do 5 of the following:

1. With your parents, create a plan to buy a video game that is right for your age group.
2. Compare two game systems (for example, Microsoft Xbox, Sony PlayStation, Nintendo Wii, and so on). Explain some of the differences between the two. List good reasons to purchase or use a game system.
3. Play a video game with family members in a family tournament.
4. Teach an adult or a friend how to play a video game.
5. List at least five tips that would help someone who was learning how to play your favorite video game.
6. Play an appropriate video game with a friend for one hour.
7. Play a video game that will help you practice your math, spelling, or another skill that helps you in your schoolwork.
8. Choose a game you might like to purchase. Compare the price for this game at three different stores. Decide which store has the best deal. In your decision, be sure to consider things like the store return policy and manufacturers warranty.
9. With an adults supervision, install a gaming system.

Coincidentally, 5 of the options include the phrase "play . . . video game" I wonder which 5 the scouts are going to choose?

Oh, well. Plenty of other awards to earn.


Becky said...

Pretty soon, they'll have a badge in the growing, harvesting, and marketing of marijuana, just to make sure these boy scouts are up with the times and know exactly how it's done. Who knows, it may possibly be a legally sound career option in California some day.

gavinomics said...

The boyscouts could be in conspiracy to lower crime since a rise in videogames correlates with a decline in crime. The scouts have never lost their focus on good citizenship.

Matt said...

really?...and people still put eagle scout on their resume's?