Saturday, April 26, 2008

Global Warming Ravages the Planet!

I found the most interesting site the other day. Have you ever wished that someone would just list all the research on global warming so we could all see just what the effects will be?

Well, wait no longer. Courtesy of, I give you . . . A complete list of things caused by global warming.

It's a long list, with links to every single item.

The site also has other fun lists, such as a list of everything that causes cancer, according to epidemiologists.


1 comment:

jakeandlacey said...

Yeah, with the weather we're having in Utah, I'd say global warming is a farse. It's 80 one day, 70 the next, and then snows the next! Its crazy! Anyway, congrats on graduation! That's great! I wish we could be there for it :) Jake and I have a blog now, by the way, its if you get a hankerin to see what we're up to. Love ya!