Thursday, October 02, 2008


No, not the kind you're thinking.

This stems from an conversation I had with my mom last night. She saw my new name badge (see previous post), and lamented that the badge had 'Chris Williams' on it.

"After all the trouble I went through to call you 'Christian.'" she lamented.

I had to explain why I started going by Chris. It began in elementary school when Night Ranger released the song Sister Christian. My class was apparently full of Night Ranger fans, and they enjoyed singing the song over and over to me - at lunch, at recess, in the bathroom, in the hall . . .

As Wikipedia explains above, the song was written about a band member's sister, Christy, he added:

the real Christy was so mortified when the song came out she nearly changed her name.

yeah, no kidding. At least she was A GIRL!

Anyway, the wisdom of my decision was confirmed years later after I met Becky, and she told me about a high school classmate of hers named Christian who referred to himself, completely missing the irony, as 'Christian the anti-Christ'

So now there are two good reasons . . .


Becky said...

Well, the previous post explains your irregularity, no, not that kind. Have you noticed that I'll call you Christian when I'm a bet exasperated with you. "Christian, it's right there in front of you! It's orange and looks like a pumpkin." But your so adorable so it doesn't matter what people call you :) XOXOX

Matt said...

It was a great song... embrace it...